Academic Studies, Degrees, Postgraduate Education, Research Stays, Scholarships
9/2016–11/2016 |
Visiting Research Fellowship, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College, Dublin, Irland |
Since 7/2014 |
Associate Professor at the German Department, University of Vienna. |
7/12–10/2012; 2001–2002 |
BBRG Affiliated Visiting Scholar, Beatrice Bain Research Group, UC California at Berkeley |
5/2010–7/2014 |
Tenured Position at the German Department, University of Vienna |
1/2006–12/2011 |
Award: Hertha-Firnberg-Postdoc-Position and Elise-Richter-Senior Postdoc Position (Austrian Science Fund FWF) at the German Department, University of Vienna. Project: Notwendige Verschränkungen: Postcolonial-Queer. Postkoloniale Theorien und Queertheorien im Dialog mit deutschsprachiger Literatur. Zu den Wechselwirkungen theoretischer Erkenntnisse und literarischer Erkundungen (Necessary Interconnections: postcolonial-Queer. Postcolonial Theories and Queer Theories in dialogue with texts in German language. On the interaction of theoretical insights and literary exploration) |
4/2000–7/2002 |
Postdoctoral Affiliated Member at ASCA (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis) |
9/2001–8/2002 |
Erwin-Schrödinger-Mobility-Stipend (Austrian Science Fund FWF) for research abroad (University of California, Berkeley) |
4/1999–10/2000 |
Postdoctoral Graduate Scholar at the Graduateschool Repräsentation Rhetorik Wissen, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany |
1998 |
Promotion Dr. Phil. (equivalent to PhD, summa cum laude) at the University of Vienna, Department of German Studies, Doctoral Thesis: Unterbrochen – Gender und die Tropen der Autobiographie (Interrupted – Gender and the Tropes of Autobiography) 6-month-scholarship for short-term research abroad, Berkeley, doctoral thesis (1998) |
1/1993–6/1993 |
Scholarship from the University of Vienna for the first three-month-stay at the University of California, Berkeley, research on the graduate thesis Unterbrochen – Gender und die Tropen der Autobiographie (1996) 6-month-scholarship funded by the Austrian National Bank, nine-month-research-scholarship at the University of Vienna und scholarship funded by the City of Vienna, Department of Cultural Affairs (1995, 1996, 1997), for conducting the project Die Privatbibliothek Ingeborg Bachmanns. Eine intertextuelle Analyse, Project-manager: Dr. Robert Pichl, Dept. for German Studies, University of Vienna; Sponsion Mag. phil. (equivalent to M.A.), Master Thesis: Ingeborg Bachmann in Frankreich. Zur Rezeption von Werk und Person (The Reception of the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann in France) One-year-scholarship by the fond for sponsorship of academic research for the project, historisch-kritischen Werkausgabe von Ingeborg Bachmanns „Todesarten“-Projekt, Project-manager: Dr. Robert Pichl, Dept. for German Studies, University of Vienna Erasmus-scholarship in Paris for research on diploma thesis Ingeborg Bachmann in Frankreich. Zur Rezeption von Werk und Person |
9/1989–9/1994 |
Exchange-scholarship at the University Lausanne, Paris, funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science Studies of Comparative Literature, German Studies, Romance Studies, University of Vienna, University Lausanne, Paris. |
Principal fields of Research / Research Emphasis
Theory and Methodology of Literary Studies and Cultural Studies; methodological relations between Gender Studies and Cultural Studies; Theory and Methodology of Comparative Literature Studies │ Autobiography; Theory of Autobiography; Genre Theory │ Cyberfeminism, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Postcolonial Studies │Deconstruction; Rhetoric │Literature of Romanticism │ Literature of the turn of the century (o.a. Else Lasker-Schüler, Robert Michel) │ ‚Biedermeier‘ Literature (Franz Grillparzer), Post-War-Literature (Ingeborg Bachmann) │ Contemporary Austrian Literature (Elfriede Jelinek, Josef Winkler) │ Literature after 2000, ‘Migrant Literature’ (Semier Insayif, Julya Rabinowich).
Member of Advisory Board, Peer Reviews
- Journal of Research in Gender Studies, ISSN 2164-0262 • e-ISSN 2378-3524
- Studia Germanica Gedanensia, Wydawnictwo, Uniwersytetu Gdánskiego, Studia Germanica Gedanensia, ISSN 1230-6045
- Transfer Reception Studies, Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Poland ISSN: 2451-3334 (Print) ISSN: 2657-7216 (Online) DOI: 10.16926
- Aussiger Beiträge. Germanistische Schriftenreihe aus Forschung und Lehre. Praesens Verlag, Vienna, Peer Reviews, ISSN: 1802-6419 (Print), ISSN: 2570-916X (Online), peer reviewed
- Aussiger Beiträge. Germanistische Schriftenreihe aus Forschung und Lehre. Praesens Verlag, Vienna, Peer Reviews, ISSN: 1802-6419 (Print), ISSN: 2570-916X (Online), peer reviewed
- Studia Germanica Gedanensia, Wydawnictwo, Uniwersytetu Gdánskiego, Wissenschaftliche Beirätin
- The American Academy in Berlin |, Peer Reviews
Scholarly Workexperience / Research Projects
2012–2014 |
WTZ-Cooperation Austria-Croatia, bilateral research project: Narratives in the Postimperial Context, |
2013–2014 |
WTZ-Cooperation Austria-Czech Republic, bilateral research project: Begegnungen und Bewegungen: österreichische Literaturen, |
running time: 1/2009–12/2010
Necessary Interconnections: postcolonial-Queer. Postcolonial Theories and Queer Theories in dialogue with texts in German language. On the interaction of theoretical insights and literary exploration. Elise-Richter-Position at the German-Dept., University of Vienna, Funding: Austrian Ministry of Science, WTZ-Cooperation Austria-Rumania, bilateral research project: Geschlechterrollen und Genderforschung in Rumänien und Österreich. Eine kontrastive Untersuchung literarischer und medialer Quellen. (vgl. |
1/2006–12/2008 |
Necessary Entanglements. Postcolonial Theories and Gender Theories as Perspectives for German Literary Criticism. Hertha-Firnberg-Post- |
since 2005 |
Project of the Edition and Translation of parts of the oeuvre of the American theorist and artist Trinh T. Minh-ha (at Turia & Kant, Vienna). |
2002–2003 |
Project assistance at the research platform „Gender IT!“ lead by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Education; project: „Die Medialität von Geschlecht. Zum Verhältnis von Geschlecht und IKT in wissenschaftskommunikativen und -organisatorischen Prozessen“ (together with Gerald Posselt) |
11/2002–11/2003 |
Project assistance at the project Organisationsprozesse feministischer Wissenschaften in inner- und außeruniversitären Zusammenhängen: Bedingungen – Möglichkeiten – Hemmnisse, Verband feministischer Wissenschafterinnen, FSP Gender Studies |
2/2001–11/2002 |
Project leader (together with Sibylle Moser) of the research project Produktive Differenzen: Geschlechterforschung als Beobachtung und Performanz von Differenz, financed by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Education, Vienna |
2/2001–11/2002 |
Project leader (together with Sibylle Moser) for the conception and implementation of the Website productive differences. Research forum for Gender Studies and Theories of Difference. Financed by the Austrian National Bank Funds, |
since 9/1999 |
Lecturer for German Studies, Comparative Literature and Gender Studies |
8/1999–8/2001 |
Research assistant and manager of the project Development of a Graduate-School „Narratives in Media Change“, multi-part project of AG Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies, Aug. 2000-Aug. 2001 and, related to this project, author of the comparative study: Institutionalisation of Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies in Europe (Spain, Germany, Great-Britain, Netherlands), (together with Hildegard Haberl); Funding: Austrian Ministry of Science. |
1995–1998 |
Research assistant, project: Die Privatbibliothek Ingeborg Bachmanns. Eine intertextuelle Analyse (The Private Library of Ingeborg Bachmann. An Intertextual Analysis). Project-manager: Prof. Dr. Robert Pichl, Dept. for German Studies, University of Vienna; Funding: Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank |
1993–1995 |
Research assistant, project: Critical Edition of the Works of Ingeborg Bachmanns »Todesarten«-Project; Project-manager: Prof. Dr. Robert Pichl, Dept. for German Studies, University of Vienna; Funding: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung |
1992/93 |
Research assistant, project: Anthology of Austrian and Hispanoamerican contemporary writers; Project-manager: Prof. Alberto Martino, Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Vienna |
1992/93, 1993/94; 1994 |
Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Vienna |
Nominations/Invitations for application presentations
Dec. 2008
March 2005
June 2004
Sept. 2003
June 2002
April 2001 |
Trial lecture for a professorship for Gender Studies at the University of Trier, Department of German Studies (cancelled due to the sudden death of my mother) Shortlist for scientific collaboration at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie (cancelled due to receiving the Hertha-Firnberg-position) 2nd spot, limited Assistance Professor, University of Vienna, Department of German Studies, Department of Modern German Literature 1st spot ex aequo, Assistance Professor, University of Vienna, Department of German Studies, Department of Modern German Literature (co-applicant received position)hortlist, Shortlist position Assistant Professor / Department of Gender Studies CEU Central European University (position got retracted after compiling the shortlist of CEU due to restructuring the Department) 1st spot, academic coordinator, Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaften und Kulturtheorie der Universität Stuttgart (cancelled due to receiving a Erwin-Schrödinger-scholarship in Berkeley) |
German |
mothertongue |
Latin |
small Latinum |
English |
advanced written and spoken |
Spanish |
written and spoken |
French |
written and spoken |
Italian |
written and spoken |
Portuguese |
reading only |
Political-coordinating activity at the University of Vienna
since 2014 since 5/2010 since 6/2007
since 4/2006
1/2004–12/2005 1992–1995
1990–1994 1990–1994 |
Deputy chair of staff association of academic personnel Member of staff association of academic personnel Substitute member of the Equal Opportunity Office and commissioner for equal treatment for the Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies Substitute member of the Academic Senate for the Kritische Liste PLUM+GAKU+IG LektorInnen Deputy spokesperson for the external lectorers at the Department of German Studies
Member of the factulty council and miscellaneous commissions (Frauenforschungskommision, Habilitationskommissionen, Raumkommission, Lehrauftragskommission) Editor of the student’s paper Kom.miT Student representatives at the Department of Comparative Literature |
since 8/2013 |
Founding Member of aka, Arbeitskreis für Kulturanalyse ( |
since 3/2010 |
Member of the board: „LOOP. Verein zur Erforschung von Mediensystemen“ |
since 1/2010 |
IVG (Internationale Vereinigung Germanistik) |
since 1/2007 |
Verein Arbeitskreis Altgermanistik |
since 1/2006 |
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Germanistik |
since 8/2004 |
Deutscher Germanistenverband |
since 1/2002 |
Verband feministischer Wissenschafterinnen |
since 1/2000 |
Modern Language Association |
since 1/2000 |
The International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL) |
since 1/96 |
Movie-n-opera. Multimedia Productions, Vienna |