New Direction Jack Halberstam — aka Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse & Zentrum für Genderforschung Graz

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New Direction Jack Halberstam
“Power in the Darkness” and “Angry Atthis”: Anthems, Genres and the Queer Voice”

Veranstaltungen des Zentrums für Genderforschung und dem New Directions Programm in Kooperation mit aka Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse (Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Organisation und Moderation: Rosemarie Brucher und Anna Babka)

Workshop in Graz
Donnerstag, 13.12.2018, 10-14h
Lektüren und Diskussionen von Texten Jack Halberstams (u.a. female masculinity, queer art of failure)
Für den Workshop ist eine Anmeldung nötig bei


Wann: Donnerstag, 13.12.2018, 19:00 Uhr
Wo: KUG, Aula (Brandhofgasse 21, EG), Graz
Nach dem Vortrag laden wir zu einem kleinen Empfang.

In the current moment of #metoo and “timesup politics”, it is tempting to return to earlier iterations of radical feminism and use them to ask contemporary feminists what took you so long? In this talk, I return to 1970’s women’s music and punk to explore a long history of musical confrontations with patriarchy and homophobic discourse. Listening again to anthems by Maxine Feldman, but also songs by queer singers like Ferron and Joan Armatrading, we can explore how they expressed outrage with patriarchy some forty odd years ago and were marginalized and cast as banal for it. If we are committed now to hearing what politics may have sounded like within an earlier iteration of feminism, we could certainly turn to the maverick song writing and the deep and resonant voices of “women’s musicians” who challenged the term “woman” as much as they challenged the patriarchal frameworks within which their music could be and was dismissed.

Jack Halberstam, is a full professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature and the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Columbia University.

Prior to this appointment in 2017, Halberstam was a Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Gender Studies, and Comparative Literature and the Director of The Center for Feminist Research at University of Southern California (USC).

Halberstam is the author of five books including: Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters (Duke UP, 1995), Female Masculinity (Duke UP, 1998), In A Queer Time and Place (NYU Press, 2005), The Queer Art of Failure (Duke UP, 2011) and Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal (Beacon Press, 2012) and has written articles that have appeared in numerous journals, magazines and collections. Halberstam is currently working on several projects including a book on Fascism and (homo)sexuality.


Rosemarie Brucher, Jack Halberstam & Anna Babka

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